RBM Marketing (Rising Bharat Marketing) PVT LTD Real or Fake ?

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Do you want to know whether RBM Marketing is real or fake? RBM Marketing is much discussed among the people these days. People have a question whether this company is real or fake? Can money be earned from this? Is this company giving money to people?

Compny NameRising Bharat Marketing
Website URLhttps://risingbharatmarketingpvtltd.in/
Sponser IDRBM7608024

Information about RBM Marketing Company

The full form of RBM is Rising Bharat Marketing. This company is about to be launched and is claiming to give money after 5 pm on 5th January.

This is a company which claims that you can earn up to Rs 1000 per day by doing simple work. This company gives an opportunity to earn money in many ways.

In this, options like Captcha Solving Work, Watching ads, Direct income, Level Income, Referral and Rewards are given to earn money.

This company says that if you join this company before 4th then you will not have to pay any money but if you join after 4th then you will have to pay joining fee of Rs 4,259.

In this, four ways of earning money are given.

  1. Daily Ad View – You can earn Rs. 125 by watching an ad daily.
  2. Direct Income – By referring someone you will get Rs 430.
  3. Level Income – In this, as your level increases, your income will increase.
  4. Rewards – When you do good work, the company will give you rewards.

RBM Sponsor ID

To register in RBM Marketing Company, Sponsor ID is required, I have given the Sponsor ID below, so you can register in the company by clicking on it.

RBM Sponsor ID : RBM7608024

Reality of RBM Marketing Company

The truth of RBM Marketing Company is that it is an MLM company. This company does not have any work by which you can earn money. This company is working like an MLM company.

This company, by giving people the dream of earning money, takes Rs 4,259 from them in the name of joining fee and asks them to bring such people who can make them rich by giving them more money.

If you pay Rs 4,259 to this company and then refer someone, you get Rs 430. In this way you will have to refer 10 people to recover your money.

Similarly, whoever joins this company will also have to refer 10 people to recover his money. In this way you will earn money here not by working but by fooling people.

If this company really had any work then it would not ask for money from you but would give you work and you would earn money by working. Let me tell you that companies with concept like RBM company are already present in the market which are fooling people in the name of earning money.

RBM Marketing Company Real or Fake

This company is still new so it is very difficult to say whether this company is real or fake. It is claiming to give Money to those who have earned money from this company on 5th January in the evening.

You can place Withdrawal Request after 5 pm on 5th January. As far as I believe, this company is completely fake because such MLM companies are already present in the market.

Many MLM companies come into the market like this and run away with the money by showing people the dream of Digital India, Local for Vocal, Pradhan Mantri Scheme, Make India.

There is no guarantee of this company whether it will give you money or not or how long this company will remain in India because such MLM companies are already present in India.


How to earn money from Rising Bharat Marketing

The main way to earn money from this company is by referring others. When you refer others you will get Rs 430.

Is Rising Bharat Marketing an MLM company?

Yes, this company is an MLM company. In this you can earn up to 10 levels.

By Akak

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